Welcome to my little home on the WWW!
If your a regular visitor....welcome back. New vistor's WELCOME!!
Some of you may be wondering why my site has moved back to it's beginning home with Tripod.
Well the short story of the long version is my money order took six days to process, passing my domain name expiration date.
I am hoping service will be restored soon
Until then, I will be working on bringing everything up to date here.
Graphics & Web Design by Lora
All Rights Reserved
On this site and all references to Jumpin Jacks Flash Designs
is merely a newsgroup and web persona. I am in reality
Lora Jacks
My alter persona is just an identifiable mark.
All images and contents on these pages are copyright to my real name and loraannn.com
No contents, images, or text, should be borrowed, stolen,
or taken for commercial purposes without my express written permission
If any part of these pages are used for a non-profit purpose
a link back would be nice, but not totally necessary